Monday, July 19, 2010

A days diving.

Some people asked me if i upload some photos to my blog. Well i did some fundiving again and had some nice shots during these dives.
Sometimes we're in luck and find a banded seakrait. These are members of the seasnakes, and very poisoness. But in fact these creatures are very nosy and come very close to inspect what kind of thing we are.
These fish above are Tuna's and i ran into them while doing a deep dive during my work as photographer. Sometimes you have to be lucky.
A jewel blenny. One of the bigger members of the Blenny family.
Many people think this is Nemo above, but in fact it is a Saddleback Clownfish or a Panda clownfish. Never the less it is still a nice and colorful fish to see.
A Partner Goby and his shrimp. These two are always living together and have a nice symbiosys. The Goby keeps watch and the shrimp digs the hole. The shrimp has very bad eyesight, and is in touch with the Goby with on of his antennas. Any danger the shrimp shoots into the hole.
A familiar sight here in the Gulf of Thailand. A couple of Pink anemone fish. Colorfull and photogenic.
2 very transparent and small shrimps. Try to look under overhangs and so, and big chance you find them. Look careful though, because they are hard to spot.
A spotted grouper. Shot with my 60 mm macrolens. You need to be very close to it to get a shot like this.
A member of the wrasse family. Colorful, and some people think it is a parrotfish because of the coloration, but the mouth is completely different then a parrotfish.
The diggers in the oceans. A Long-barbed Goatfish busy with trying to find something eatable.
We ha some severe coralbleeching here in the Gulf, but as you can see the colors are coming back. Barrelsponges and anemones are in their original colours again. The harder kind of corals need more time to come back, but they will survive also.
My friends in the sea. Batfish. Always a magnificent sight to see them. Most of the time in a big group. They like the open waters, but sometimes you see them close to the reef and get something like this above.

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